Brewdog is a Scottish brewery that has been growing at a very strong pace in recent years. In an effort to expand their reach to international markets, they have released the brewing instructions for every single beer the company has produced for free. While not technically open source, it is very great to see the […]
Free and open source alternatives to proprietary platforms have been improving vastly in recent years, and they offer alternatives to proprietary technology that is being forced into choke points that destroy privacy, limit freedom, and inhibit culture and commerce. If we want to live in a society where technology is a force for freedom, then […]
The last decade of technological progression has witnessed major friction between the interests of organizations of centralized power and distributed networks of individuals. We are currently witnessing a dramatic transformation of social organization towards a new model that requires transparency, participation, and non-hierarchical collaboration. Eben Moglen delivers this keynote address at Linux Conf AU in […]
OpenHere is a 3-day international festival being held in Dublin, Ireland on November 14-26. The festival will promote technologies that are disrupting and reshaping our economy such as 3D printing, cryptocurrencies, and digital sharing. The festival will bring together artists, researchers, engineers, and activists to discuss things like alternative economic models, open source ecology, and […]
The Ubuntu Edge Kickstarter campaign was the largest crowdfunding campaign ever when it ended, but the company still didn’t manage to raise the money it needed to launch it. The phone featured a quad-cor processor, 4GB of ram, and 128GB of internal storage, specs that would have made it the most powerful mobile device on […]
The second annual TOR challenge was recently wrapped up by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. 1,635 new TOR relays were set up during this year’s challenge, a huge improvement over last year’s 549 new relays. The goal of this challenge is to improve the TOR network and make it more secure for anyone who uses it, […]
In this interview, Linus Torvalds offers his own opinion of Systemd and the hyperbolic interactions that often arise from disagreements like the ongoing debate around Systemd. He also offers his viewpoint on the state of IT in education and how he would like to see schools doing more to encourage students to tinker with technology. […]
Jezra Johnson Lickter is a tinkerer, hacker, and web master who has plenty of experience building things with open source software and hardware. He believes humans are hard wired to be tinkerers and he looks to open source hardware as a way of building closer relationships between people and the technology their rely on. More […]
Open source could benefit the healthcare industry by encouraging a new wave of innovations as long as the communities can create platforms that can be trusted. If open source communities can create healthcare solutions that are interoperable and that can integrate with a variety of products and services then they could be a tremendous benefit […]
Key Insights: Linux Desktop The familiarity of running applications in a web browser on Chromebooks is helping get mainstream users to a point where they could adopt Linux. Mainstream OS’s typically use binaries to make application installation easy for non-technical users, Linux needs something to mirror this Linus thinks all distributions need to focus on […]
Industrial agriculture allowed humanity to produce an excess of food that fueled the drastic population expansion of the Industrial Revolution. Today, we are facing the challenges associated with this method of farming including top-soil degradation, depleting water supplies, and fertilizer / pesticide pollution. Open Source could help solve these problems, two projects in particular are […]
-via Youtube [3:32] (External Link)
Key insights: User generated improvements are better informed. Collective intelligence bears more leverage and needs less coordination Code velocity, committer reputation, user/vendor driven innovation, user activity, and corporate support are all metrics that can be used to evaluate the quality of an open source project. Foundations can help open source by being vendor neutral, enforcing […]
Home gardening can be an enriching activity, but finding information on the web to help you can be a challenge. Often, information about problems is conflicting and not tailored to the specific location of the gardener. OpenFarm seeks to crowdsource growing advice through the creation of a Wiki that allows anyone to build custom guides […]
Community Engagement is one of the most important considerations when building an open source community that has long-term sustainability. A Group of 30 community managers came together in Portland, Oregon for the Community Leadership Summit and built a list of methods to keep a community involved. This list includes welcoming new members, conducting assessments to […]
It is important to make sure the website for any open source project does a good job at informing visitors and directing them towards the most relevant information. This means your site should clearly explain the project, provide methods for connecting to the community, and help users find important documentation and resources. A website is […]
Ushahidi develops open source software for communities to track distributed, crowd-sourced data tools that can help in a variety of situations including crisis response and evaluation and government operations. More from Sci Dev Net.
Low-cost open source cellular networks can be a useful tool in reestablishing communications in response to natural disasters. The high-stakes nature of disaster response makes testing new methods and technologies a challenge. Burning man has proven to be an ideal testing ground for experimental, open source cellular networks such as OpenBTS. More from P2P Foundation
The second Annual All Things Open Conference has been announced for October 22 and 23 in Raleigh, NC. Riding on the success of the first year, this conference looks to expand its content on enterprise-level open source. More from FOSS Force
OST Original
Common Characteristics of an Open Source Community
This article is part of The Comprehensive Guide to Open Source for Business., and was originally posted on the Samsung Open Source Group blog. Open source communities are as complex as the diverse individuals that contribute to them, and there is no one-size-fits-all definition of how they operate. With that said, there are a lot […]
-via (External Link)
The Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) was established in May 2012 to create a system of licensing for seeds. The barriers to including a license with the seeds was determined to be too high, so the organization decided to use a pledge instead. This Open Source Seed Pledge is intended to ensure your freedom to […]